A Bruised Reed

Matthew 12:20, NIV

A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out,
till he leads justice to victory.

Introduction: If you go to a field of reeds you will occasionally see a bruised reed. They are stepped on by animals and broken by the wind. When people see these reeds, they easily break them. Also, in the olden days, when a lamp ran out of oil, it began smoldering and dimmed, and then people would usually snuff out the wick. But it is shown here that Jesus, the light of life, will not judge those who are like a bruised reed and a smoldering wick. He will care for them forever.

1. A woman caught in adultery.

1) Merciless judgment by a legalist (Jn 8:3-5).
2) Jesus’ answer (Jn 8:6-8).
3) An adulteress who received the grace of rebirth (Jn 8:10-11).

2. A woman by the well in Sychar.

????1) A woman living the life of a sinner.
2) A condemned life (Jer 2:13; Lk 5:32).
3) Jesus guided her to confess her sins (Jn 4:7-9).
4) Jesus gives us living water (Jn 4:3-14; 7:37-38).

3. The Law, love, and grace.

1) The Law condemns and judges sin (Ro 3:19-20).
2) Those who keep the Law become hypocrites (Gal 3:10-11).
3) Love gives us forgiveness and grace.
① The love of God (Jn 3:16-17; Mt 12:20; Ps 103:8-9).
② The grace of Jesus (Ro 4:25; Eph 2:8-9).
4) The Holy Spirit pours out His love and grace?makes us into a new
person that is created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness
(Eph 4:22-24).

Conclusion: We are all bruised reeds and thirsty for living water. No religion, philosophy, or law can save us. The only thing that can save us and change us is the love of God and the grace of Jesus.