The Cross and the Resurrection

Galatians 2:20, NIV

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.

Introduction: In ancient Rome, hanging on a cross was a way to kill prisoners. Usually, prisoners would die after three to five days. Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, and the Cross has become a symbol of glory and victory to believers.

1. The meaning of the Cross (Jn 3:14?21).

2. The Cross is the essence of the Gospel.
1) The key evidence of Paul’s witness of the Gospel (1Co 2:1-5).
2) The message of the Cross (1Co 1:18-24).

3. Believers and the Cross (Gal 6:14).
1) The cross of all believers.
  ① It sanctifies us.
  ② It breaks us and teaches us to obey.
  ③ It strengthens our prayer and faith.

4. Our attitudes toward the cross.
1) Do not resist the cross.
2) Accept the cross as your destiny.
3) Carry the cross and die.
4) Resurrection comes after death on the cross.

Conclusion: Even God had a cross to carry. God carried the cross and endured until the end to bring salvation and resurrection to humankind through His death. Without the Cross, there are no believers. Without the Cross, there is no glorious resurrection.