Make Thanksgiving a Part of Your life

Psalm 50:14-15, NIV

14 Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High,
15 and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."

Introduction: Thanksgiving Day started by the pioneers who went to America.

1. Thanksgiving brings joy and happiness.

1) Give thanks for what you have.
- Our mind becomes more positive with joy and hope (1Ti 6:7-8; Mt 13:12).
2) It brings peace by brightening our surroundings (Col 3:15; Ps 50:23).

2. Complaining causes unhappiness.

1) Our mind becomes more negative with blaming, complaining, and unhappiness (1Co 10:10).
2) It makes our family and neighbors unhappy when we darken our surroundings (Ps 37:8).

3. Always have a thankful heart.

- All human beings have a past, present, and future. Therefore, remember to give thanks for the grace of the past, give thanks for your present life, and give thanks for future blessings.
1) The grace of our parents.
2) The grace of our teachers.
3) The grace of our brothers, sisters, and neighbors who have helped us
(1Th 5:18).

4. Give thanks to God.

1) God’s creation (Ps 136:4-9).
2) Jesus’ redemptive grace (Col 1:13-14; 2:6-7; Lk 17:11-16).
3) The help of the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16; Ro 8:26; Ps 50:14-15; 100:4-5).

Conclusion: We must sow the seed of thanksgiving to bear the fruit of thanksgiving. Pastor Spurgeon said, ?"When we give thanks for a candle, God will give lamplight. When we give thanks for lamplight, God will give moonlight. When we give thanks for moonlight, God will give sunshine. When we give thanks for sunshine, God will give heaven."