Loneliness?What I Do Not Want

Genesis 1:26-31, NIV

Introduction: In my 70 some years of life, there are a few events that I did not want to happen. Loneliness is one of those.? When I was in the fifth grade, before the 6.25 Korean War, the leaders of local authorities were nervous because of frequent kidnappings and murders of former partisans.?My whole family moved to Pusan, leaving me and my grandparents behind.

1. We are not created to be lonely.

1) Because of our Triune God, we can never be lonely. A love that does not know loneliness (2Co 13:13; Mt 28:19).
2) The creation of Adam, and how God found it was not good for man to be alone
(Ge 2:18-22).
3) Humans are a trinity.
① Spirit, soul, body ② Man, woman, children ③ There was no such word as hate
? 4) Eve, who lost to the temptation of Satan (Ge 3:6).
① Separation from God
② A hateful relationship with Adam
③ The hatred between Abel and Cain
5) The human history of blood brought on by loneliness and hatred (Mt 24:7-9).

2. We are all lonely.

1) In a world of sin and hatred, there will always be loneliness
2) The space in our hearts that cannot be filled (Ecc 1:8).
3)? When we despair, when there is no one to love
4) Jesus was also lonely
① The unbridgeable gap between human beings and God who became a human being.
②? A disdained and scorned life (Isa 53:3)
③ On the Cross, He was forsaken by men and His disciples, and even God did not look back on Him.
- Ah! I am thirsty! (Jn 19:28-29).

3. How to overcome loneliness.

1) Improve your relationship with God?the grace that was given through the prayer of Jesus (Eph 2:14-16).
2) Humble yourself (Mt 23:12; 1Pe 5:5-6).
3) Embrace your neighbors through forgiveness and love?hospice care, Love and Happiness Foundation, Good People Foundation (Col 3:13-14).
4) A life of living together, not alone (Mt 28:20; Isa 41:10).

Conclusion: We are born with the disease of loneliness. We must always treat it and learn to overcome it.