Drive Out Demons

Luke 11:24-26

The trouble is an unoccupied house

1. The relationship between the devil and demons
1) The devil is the fallen archangel (Isaiah 14:12-15)
2) Demons are the servants of the devil
3) Demons help the devil to oppose God and to destroy the relationship between God and humans, stealing, killing and destroying

2. Work of demons that live together with people
1) Obsession: they cling to people (Acts 8:4-7)
2) Oppression: they oppress people
3) Depression: they depress people
4) Possession: they completely seize people (Matthew 8:16)
E.g. The story of Soon-Sun

3. Demonic deeds recorded in the bible: The power behind the scenes
1) The father of lies
2) Hatred
3) Murder
4) Sexual Immorality
5) Worldly temptation
6) False charge; slander
7) Discord
8) Abnormal feelings
9) Heretical doctrine
10) Sickness and disease (E.g. Matthew 8:33, Luke 13:11-13)

4. Jesus’ words about demons: (E.g. Luke 10:17-19)
1) We have been given the authority to drive out demons
2) God has told us to always drive out demons

Demons reveal the identity of the devil to the whole world. We live surrounded by all kinds of demons. We must always drive out the demons. In the end of the Lord’s Prayer, the Lord tells us to pray “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”