Develop Your Potentials Hidden inside You
(Mathews 25:14~ 30 )

The explanation of the parable Jesus used
1. Be aware of your potentials
1) Just as no one was created with the same face, God did not give everyone the same potential abilities
① See the acorn forest in the acorn
② God saw a population of 6 billion in Adam.
③ God saw the salvation of billions of people in Christ
2. How are you to discover your potentials?
1) What hobbies do I have that never makes me bored?
2) What am I gifted in?
3) Where is God leading me?
3. You must develop your potentials
1) You must not bury your potential like the one talent
2) Through school education
3) Through hard work and efforts
4) Through circumstances
5) Through encouragement
 - The Italian vocalist Caruso and his mother, Edison and his mother
6) With unremitting efforts

You all have precious treasures in you. However, many people bury their treasures just like the servant who buried one talent given by his master.