I Am the Vine; You Are the Branches

John 15:1~4


The testimony of Hudson Taylor, a missionary in the inlands of China
(One cannot live on false vines like education, philosophy, science.)
1. The branches that the Lord Himself has chosen
* John 15:16
1) The devil tries to wear us down and make us let go of our grip on God.
2) You are not qualified to be the branch of God’s vine.
3) “See, you don’t feel anything. You are not attached to the vine.”
2. I can do everything in the Lord
* John 15:4-7
1) The worldly branch of the heavenly vine
2) Jesus Christ is the same forever.
3. For the Lord to work through us
* John 15:6
1) We must think like the Lord.
2) We must dream like the Lord.
3) We must believe like the Lord.
4) We must speak like the Lord.
God wants us to bear much fruit. That is why He constantly prunes us back, removes the insects, and adds fertilizer.