The Counselor, the Holy Spirit

John 14:25~26

Among the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the least understood and recognized. Neglecting the Holy Spirit is like taking the air for granted because it is, although indispensable, not noticeable. The air is the most essential element for human life. It cannot be done away with. The Holy Spirit is just as vital in our lives because without Him there would not be any spiritual birth or life of faith. Jesus said that no one can enter into the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.

1. The Holy Spirit has a personality
1) Having a personality means having an intellect, emotions, and a will.
e.g., a dead person has no personality
2) The Holy Spirit possesses the components of personality.
- We must not treat the Holy Spirit as a being without a personality.
3) The Holy Spirit is our Counselor.

2. The work of the Holy Spirit
- The Trinity works as one in everything, but each has individual characteristics
1) God, the Father, has planned everything; Jesus followed the will of God and redeemed us; the Holy Spirit sustains everything and teaches us about the Father and His Son Jesus.
2) The work of the Holy Spirit* (John 14:16-17, 14:25-26, 16:7-8, 12-14)

3. The presence of the Holy Spirit
1) He is with us* (John 14:16)
2) He dwells in us* (John 14:17)
3) He comes upon us* (Acts 1:8)
4) The difference between the devil and the Holy Spirit
o When the devil comes, there comes an abnormal restlessness, fear, frustration, anger, severe stress, rise of blood pressure, irregular heart beat, mental and physical pain.
o When the Holy Spirit comes, the opposite circumstances occur ? supernatural joy, peace, faith, hope, love springs up
o The devil brings the pain of hell, and the Holy Spirit brings the happiness of heaven. Therefore we must stand against the devil, we must acknowledge, invite, and accept the Holy Spirit.

In my experience, even a little anointing of the Holy Spirit has made my prayer and sermon surprisingly different and full of grace.