Lk 18:1~8

Prayer is a conversation with God like the one with our family and neighbors. We become cautious and nervous when we talk to people in higher positions. Indeed, the conversation with the Almighty God should make us nervous and tremble.

1. What to pray
1) Prayer of repentance
2) Prayer of thanksgiving
3) Prayer of asking for help
4) Intercessory prayer

2. How to pray
1) Prayer with a clear goal
2) Concentrated prayer without babbling
3) Prayer with a burning desire
4) Prayer of faith
5) Prayer expecting an answer

3. A widow and a judge
1) A clear goal ? “grant me justice against my adversary”
2) Continuous concentrated prayer
- “She kept coming to him; for some time he refused”
3) Prayer with a burning desire
- “This widow keeps bothering me… I will see that she gets justice so that she won’t eventually wear me out with her coming.”
4) Prayer of faith ? calling out to God day and night
5) Prayer expecting an answer ? pray without losing heart

Today, although our prayer is loud and roaring, they may be in vain, unless our prayers are as orderly as this persistent widow.

If we pray correctly, we will
1) be set free from guilt;
2) be set free from anxiety;
3) recover hope for tomorrow;
4) accept life positively;
5) leave everything up to God’s will.