The Act of Waiting
Isa 30:18

The place where I used to live in my childhood was called Jin-jang (Camp market), because there was a military camp with quite a number of soldiers stationed there. So every week a market was held. When my mother was away at the market, my brothers and I went to the top of a nearby hill and waited there for her to come home. Then I realized how much yearning one goes through when he or she has to endure waiting for someone or something. When I became a pastor, I realized even more how important it is to wait patiently and stay still before God. God is the master of our lives. God does not follow us on our ways; we must follow God on His ways. Therefore it is good to always remain still, waiting and longing patiently for God.

1. To receive vision and dreams
* (Acts 16:6-10)
1) Any dream, big or small, given to us by the Holy Spirit will come true

2. To set our lives straight
1) Cleansing ourselves through repentance
2) Reflecting ourselves against the mirror of the Five-fold Gospel of the Cross
3) We must examine the principal of fourth-dimensional spirituality

3. To obey the absolute sovereignty of God
1) People who try to walk equally or ahead of God
a) People of the tower of Babel
b) Uzziah’s arrogance *(2Ch 26:16-20)

4. To prove the sincerity of faith
1) Abraham’s 15 years of waiting
2) Joseph’s 13 years of waiting

Our act of waiting is necessary in every aspect of our lives. Waiting is even more the case when following God.