Those Who Have Treasure in Their Hearts
(2Co 4:7-11)

This World is often called an abyss of misery. We find sadness in our moment of happiness and tears in our moment of laughter. We all have covert guilt which we wish to hide, and we are suddenly assaulted with fear even in our splendor of wealth, positions, honor, and power. What do all these things mean to us? Everyone on earth trembles in fear of death. Even Solomon, who spent his life in opulent luxury, lamented in Ecclesiastes 1:2-11.

1. What are the differences between believers and non-believers?
a) Everyone lives on earth, the depraved and cursed land.
b) Even Jesus was not exempt from the hardships of this world
c) Jesus was sacrificed on the Cross to save us (Isaiah 53:1-8)
d) We are immediately transferred to paradise the moment we come to faith in Jesus

2. The lives of believers
a) We must also carry the death of Jesus
b) We live with awareness in our hearts (2Co 4:6)
c) We realize the redemption of Jesus

3. Our identity
a) People who have treasure in their jars
b) It is I that becomes changed not the surroundings (2Co 4:8-11)

We are not living in a germ-free glass bowl but a world infested with all kinds of germs. However, we have within us Jesus who has won over all these germs. Christ in us is our eternal victor.