How Should I Live My Life
(John 14:1-6)

We ought to ask this question to ourselves if we want to lead our life right. No matter how rich or famous one may be, every moment you he is still marching towards death. A blue-collar worker will die as surely as a white-collar worker. Because each man is given a limited span of life; he must spend his time right before God. We must each then be directed by a spiritual compass. ?

1. A life driven by clear purposes
1) In order not to get drunk and forget about important things
2) In order not to wander in wilderness of heart
o where did we come from?
o why do we live?
o where are we going?
3) In order to live in light and truth
? Believe in Jesus and…
① Live a life free from guilt
② Live a life free from futility and meaninglessness
③ Overcome death and earn an eternal life
④ Gain happiness by living with God

2. A life of service and dedication
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
? A good Samaritan
1) A priest and Levite who were indifferent to their neighbor
2) A life sharing love and happiness
① Take care of your neighbor when they are in trouble.
o With your possessions
o With a sincere heart
3. A life worth living
1) We ought to live our life in joy and thanksgiving.
2) We ought to live our life doing the very best we can.
3) We ought to live our life honoring God.
4) We ought to live our life happily