The Power of Praise and Thanksgiving
(Psalm 50:23)

While bitterness and complaint brings misery and destruction; praise and worship brings happiness, healing, strength and progression in life. Although the Israelites went out of Egypt after 430 years of slavery, it was endless bitterness and complaint that caused the first generation exiles to wander in the desert for 40 years and ultimately to perish in that desert. God does not manifest on an individual or a group that grumbles and complains; but manifests on those who give praise and worship.

1. Jehoshaphat king of Judah and the invasion of the Gentiles (2 Chr. 20)
 1) Jehoshaphat was confused and scared
  1) He went to the temple of God
 (2) Jehoshaphat’s prayer (in detail) (2 Chr. 20:5-12, 14-17)
  2) Singers who went at the head of the army (2 Chr. 20:21-24)

2. Paul and Silas, and the prison at Philippi
 1) Paul and Silas healed a fortune-teller while preaching the Gospel at Philippi
 2) They persecuted Paul and Silas when the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone.
 3) Paul and Silas, who were held in prison were severely beaten, starved and shackled.
 4) Paul and Silas were praying and singing at midnight. (Acts 16:25-34)

3. He is the Almighty that gives salvation (Vs 17)
 (1) Pray to God first
 (2) Praise God
  1) Glorify God (Psa. 50:23)
  2) God dwells during our praise (Psa. 22:3)
 (3) Approach God with praise (Psa. 100:4)
 (4) Praise brings healing (Jer. 17:14)

We all can praise God; but we are tempted to grumble and complain against God more than we praise Him.