Prayers That Are Answered
(Luke 18:1~8)

Prayer is like breath of life to a believer. A soul dies without prayer as one dies without breath. There are many types of prayers; but today we will look at the prayer that meets our needs in life. ?
1. You must have a fervent desire.
1) You must set clear goals.
2) You must repent for the sins committed against God.
3) You must concentrate with all your heart.

2. You must pray with a dream.
1) Pray and imagine the things that are not as if they were.
2) Pray and never lose heart.

3. You must pray with faith
1) Get rid of negative thoughts.
2) Believe that miracles will happen to you.

4. You must pray with thanksgiving.
1) Thanksgiving glorifies God.
2) Thanksgiving is pleasing to God. ?

When you pray and rely on God’s grace you will live a life of peace, joy and happiness.