Words That Change Us
(1Th. 5:16~18)
We express our thoughts and feelings through words. We also feel heavy when our communication channel between us and our associates is blocked due to a lack of understanding. Communication takes more than words. We ought to use words that will help all things go well with us. There are many words that create problems for us.
1. Thanksgiving makes us successful
1) Give thanks to God
a) who gives us everything in nature.
b) who gives us a spiritual world.
- Thanksgiving pleases and glorifies God so that He reveals His power that brings about blessings.
2) Resentments and complaints are
a) the basic nature of evil.
b) the snare that trapped Adam and Eve into degradation.
c) the DNA that human beings are born with.
- The fundamental and original sin that caused the Israelites to wander in the desert for forty years after they were delivered from Egypt manifested in resentments and complaints.
3) Giving thanks to your neighbors
a) makes them happy and satisfied.
b) makes them even better neighbors.
- Not being thankful causes resentment and complaints which make our neighbors rough-tempered and hateful.

2. Praise makes us successful ? to praise is to exalt.
1) God dwells in us through our praises.
2) God helps us and lifts us on high through our praises.
3) God is glorified and distinguished through our praises.
*We give human beings complements and credits instead of praises.
a) Compliments and credits make human beings courageous and strengthens them.
b) Compliments and credits make human beings better and improves them.
c) Compliments and credits make human beings realize the meaning of life helping them find happiness and joy in their lives.
*If we rebuke and criticize human beings
a) it makes them discouraged and frustrated.
b) it makes them turn against us.
? 3. When we bless others we get blessed.
1) Our Lord is a God of blessing ?He blessed Abraham, Isaac and Israel (who was Jacob).
2) He blessed your neighbors ? when the High Priest blessed Hannah, she became pregnant and gave birth to Samuel.
3) With a pure and faithful heart; bless others through faith.
4) Bless your family members at all times.
We must habitually speak in words that change us. Make sure that your lips are flowing with words like “thank you”, “I commend you”, and “I bless you.” If you do this then you and your neighbors will be changed.