Guard Your Thoughts
(Proverbs 4:23)
We are called to guard our nation, law, order, churches and faith. There are numerous things that require our protection. However, the Bible says that we must guard our hearts above all else. This is because everything that is presently taking shape was once in our hearts in the form of thoughts.

1. Do not drag your past miseries into the present
1) Past wounds and miseries come back to haunt us because we allow them to remain in our thoughts.
2) We are to cleanse miserable, sad and painful thoughts from the past with repentance and prayer.
3) Thoughts that remind us of the past are caused by the devil and we are to cast them away.
2. Plant good seeds into your thoughts for the present
1) Seeds of good thoughts become a reality of joy, happiness, and blessings.
2) Firmly plant the five-fold gospel and the three-fold blessings in your heart.
- Then you will bear fruit.
3) Think in a positive and creative way.
3. Plant your future dreams into your present thoughts.
1) Dream a dream where you may enjoy good health and all going well with you; even as your soul is getting along well.
2) Dream a dream where your dreams come true.
3) Think of yourself going to heaven where you will live in overflowing happiness and joy.
Even though our thoughts are invisible, they constantly become a reality in our lives. Therefore, our past, present and future become realized through our thoughts.