God’s Prescription
(Exodus 15:26)
When we are sick we go to see a doctor for treatment. The doctor will generally give us a prescription so that we can buy medications at the drugstore.
Exodus chapter 15 tells us about a prescription from God who heals our diseases. We ought to embrace His prescription with our hearts.?

1. Listen carefully to the voice of the Lord.
1) To obey is better than sacrifice.
- Disobedience is like bowing to an idol.
2) Adam’s disobedience versus Jesus’ obedience

2. Do what is right in His eyes.
1) Being right is to do a good deed
2) Being right is to help widows, orphans, the disabled, the needy and to share love and happiness.
3. Pay attention to His commands
- Pay attention to the Ten Commandments.
4. Keep all His decrees
- Baptism, communion service, keeping Sunday holy and tithing. ?
The bible likens Egypt to the world. God is our doctor who protects us from all sorts of diseases rampant in the world and cures all our diseases- small or large.