(Ephesians 3:14~21)

We live standing shoulder to shoulder with parents, neighbors, co-workers, competitors and those that are indifferent to us. However, not every one of these people becomes your friend. A friend is a neighbor who shows understanding, compassion and love towards you, and is of great comfort and help when you are facing difficulties, hardships and sufferings.

A man of many friends is a happy person. But if you are too often in debt to your friend, you may make him feel heavy burdened; and he may turn away from you.

1. God becomes our friend.
1) Jesus, our friend and Savior ? five-fold gospel, three fold blessings
2) The Holy Spirit, our friend ? A friend who makes us realize and experience the spiritual world and helps us when we are weak.
3) Considering Father God as our friend is not sufficient. He is the wellspring of life.

2. We become like God, who is our friend
1) We come to have belief and confidence in our lives.
2) We come to have hopes and dreams.
3) We become like God, who is our friend.

3. A good neighbor is to be a good friend.
1) A Good Samaritan who took care of the robbed man.
2) A man who shares love and happiness.
3) A husband and a wife who are friends.


We go to church on Sunday to meet God, our best friend in the whole universe. Even a person like me can be a friend to others.

A church is a place where people can make a lot of friends.