True Servant of Christ
(Galatians 1:8~10)
I asked Pastor Sam-whan Kim to deliver a sermon at my retirement ceremony for two reasons. Firstly he is my pastor. Secondly, he is an excellent witness of Jesus Christ. Since my retirement, I have had time to reflect on my ministry of more than half a century.

1. When we first started our ministry
1) It was during the Korean War.
2) Our nation was politically and militarily extremely unstable.
3) Economically, Koreans struggled to make ends meet, with most people managing to stay alive eating herb roots and tree bark.
4) People reacted to the gospel being preached
(e.g., Mr. Wha-mun Yu and Mrs Choi-hee Lee and their twelve sons blamed their difficult situation on the gospel message.)

2. There is no other gospel
- People were in great spiritual confusion spiritually and many lies prevailed.
1) Gospel of the Cross
① Redemption of sins * (Gal 2:20-21)
② The power of purification * (Gal 3:1-2)
③ Gospel of healing
④ Blessings of Abraham * (Gal 3:13-14, 2 Co 9:6-10)
2) Holistic salvation
① Psalm 103:1-5
② 3 John 1:2

3. A positive life filled with hope
1) We are not lonely
① Father God
② Jesus, the Savior
③ The Holy Spirit
2) There is happiness and love
3) A sense of guilt and condemnation
- Futility and meaninglessness
- The place where we overcome death and nothingness
The positive message brought to people through the churches gave people great dreams again, faith to build their dreams on and boldness; regardless of their gender, age and economic status. Churches were not a place make religious people. They were the fields where a new life, a new world and hope for tomorrow was allowed to sprout and grow.