The Power That Dominates Me
(Colossians 3:1~11)

My childhood was spent living in a countryside where many trees such as pine, acorn and chestnut were naturally re-seeding according to their kind.

I also noticed that birds, animals, and insects of the same kind gathered together. People also live together in accordance with their races.
1. The environment given to me
1) People who like the same hobby gather together.
2) My desires and thoughts create my environment.
3) What resides in my heart becomes realized through my body.

2. Education molds environment
1) Thoughts and education of disbelief
2) Theism and worship of heaven

3. Self-image dominates environment
1) Negative self-image and positive self-image
2) A new creation: self-image based on five-fold gospel and three-fold blessings
3) Thoughts, dreams, beliefs, and language controls self-image
Fourth dimensional spirituality controls third dimensional life, the body and our environment.