Put Your Hope in God
(Psalm 62:5)
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.”
We will not find any satisfaction in putting our hope in parents, siblings, relatives, friends, neighbors, or the government. We are to put our hope in God when we become disappointed with our circumstances.
1. God’s plan
* (Gen 28:10~)
1) Jacob fled from his brother, Esau to his uncle Laban’s home. One night, resting his head on a stone, he slept under the stars. An angel of God appeared to him in a dream.
2) Jacob saw a stairway to heaven with angels ascending to heaven and descending back to earth.

2. When we face hardship
- We should wait for God, and
1) Repent of our sins ? We must realize how our life looks in God’s eyes.
2) Realize our weakness and pray - for example; the weakness of the apostle Paul, who prayed three times - * (2 Co 12:8-10)
3. The result of putting our hope in God
1) We change our thoughts to see our lives from God’s perspective.
2) We change the hopes and dreams of our lives.
3) We change to live by faith.
4) We change to speak in another fashion.
We look to God when our own hopes and expectations begin to fade away. We meet God and are born again and begin to live a new life. God changes us so that our thoughts, dreams and language are each renewed with positive faith.