Our Daily Offering of Heart
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
? “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1. Be joyful always
1) A world full of sadness and despair ? due to the depravity of Adam and Eve, the world we inherited from them is cursed. A world that produces thorns and thistles, and a world in which we must sweat in order to eat (Ge 3:17-19)
2) Fruits ? disappointment, sadness, anger, despair, depression, hatred, evil feelings… (Pr 17:22, Col 3:7-8)
3) In order to overcome such a state of mind that is under the influence of darkness, we absolutely need joy, which is gladness of heart. Therefore, we must be joyful at all times so that we can become happy. We are joyful not because we are happy. Rather, we become happy because we are joyful (1Th 5:16)
4) Reasons to be joyful
- The grace of the Cross of Jesus becomes the only reason to be joyful. (Jn 15:11)
Think of the grace of Jesus.
Have a dream about the grace of Jesus.
Believe in the miracle of the grace of Jesus.
Give thanks to Jesus for His grace and sing hymns.
Resolve to be joyful always (Php 4:4, Hab 3:17-18)
2. Pray continually
1) Entertainment programs, atmospheres that have nothing to do with prayer
2) Social gatherings that do not include a prayer session ? where people are ashamed of saying a prayer
3) Humanists who say they do not need God. (Ps 14:1)
4) Be filled with the Holy Spirit ? “the Spirit helps us in our weakness”. (Ro 8:26)
- The Spirit makes us pray in other tongues or in our own language. (1Th 5:17)
5) Always find rest in God, you who are weary and burdened. (Mt 11:28, 1Pe 5:7, Heb 7:24-25)
6) Always pray with thanksgiving (Php 4:6-7, Col 4:2)
3. Give thanks in all circumstances
1) The Israelites who did not give thanks after their exodus from Egypt
- Though they experienced tremendous grace and miracles, they resented and complaint right away when facing difficulties (Nu 21:4-6)
2) Resentment and complaints are what the devil wants
- The causes of depravity of Adam and Eve were resentment and complaints (Ge 3:5, 1Co 10:10, Ps 37:8)
3) Give thanks for the five-fold gospel and three-fold blessings of the Cross
- “He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God." (Ps 50:23)
4) Thanksgiving produces miracles which become the reason for more thanksgiving. (Lk 17:11-19, Col 2:6-7, 1Th 5:18)
If we are joyful always, praying continually and giving thanks in all circumstances, our relationship with God develops exponentially and we will come to live in true peace and happiness.