God of Provision
(Genesis 12:1-5)
Parents do their utmost in preparing for their children with daily necessities and
helping them resolve health or education-related problems.
Like this, God prepares everything for us, in regards to the present and the future.

1. God’s provision for Abraham
* (Ge 12:1-5)
1) Leave the comfortable life.
2) Go to the land God has prepared.
3) Abraham’s halfhearted obedience.
① He took his nephew, Lot.
② He took all the people and possessions he gathered in Haran.
③ As a result, he experienced famine in Canaan.

2. God’s provision for humankind
- As an offering of redemption
* (Isa 53:4-6)
1) Redemption of diseases
2) Redemption of sins
3) Redemption of peace
4) Redemption of curses

3. Yahweh-Jireh for me
1) An incident that occurred to me on my way from Newark to the Empire State building in New York, Manhattan
2) Evidence of the God of provision
? George Muller, the father of orphans and the 3,000 orphans
4. To let the God of Provision indwell in our life
1) Make a wish
2) Have a dream * (Jer 33:3)
3) Have faith
4) Confess with your lips
We are in need of God’s provision in all aspects of our lives. * (1Co 2:9-10)