The Blood of Jesus and the Eraser
(Hebrews 9:7-12, 22)
One unique invention that has made a great contribution to the development of human civilization is an eraser. Thanks to the eraser, people have been able to use papers and ink-sticks effectively.
We cannot expect our faith to develop and grow without the grace of the precious blood of Jesus Christ, which erases our weaknesses and wrongdoings. Without the work of the precious blood, which forgives and erases our wrongdoings, our faith cannot advance further.
The precious blood of Jesus Christ is the essential foundation of our faith.

1. The Blood of Jesus is an evidence of God’s grace
  1) Grace means blessings that are given to us for free.
  ① Can human efforts lead us to salvation?
  ② The grace of the redemption of Jesus Christ
  2) Offerings in the time of the Old Testament
  ① Sin Offering
  ② Guilt Offering
  ③ Burnt Offering
  - Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

2. The Blood of Jesus is an evidence of God’s love
  * (John 3:16)
  1) God so loved the world ? Love to the point of death
  2) Jesus who volunteered for death

3. The Blood of Jesus is Jesus’ gift of life
  * (John 6:47-58)
  1) Faith and eternal life
  2) The flesh and blood of Jesus Christ

4. The Blood of Jesus and the eraser
  1) An eraser of sins
  2) An eraser of the mundane world
  3) An eraser of diseases
  4) An eraser of curses
  5) An eraser of death and hell

Through the precious blood of Jesus, we can enjoy the grace and love of God as well as life. Not only so, but with the precious blood that functions as an eraser, we can always have a fresh start.