Drive Out Demons In My Name
(Mark 16:17)
If you tell people to drive out demons in this 21th century, some of them might mock you by saying “You yourself speak like a demon.” The word of God, however, always speaks about real and practical stories, not literary-work per se.
  The Bible says the whole world belongs to the devil.

1. The existence of the devil
  1) The devil tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
  2) Recorded in the books of prophets * (Isaiah 14:12-15)

2. The Devil and demons
  1) Demons are the messengers of the devil, origin unknown
  2) Demons and humans (they are much alike)
  ① Obsession
  ② Oppression
  - Humans are drawn to demons
  ③ Depression
  - Humans are irresistibly drawn to demons
  - anxiety, worries, concerns, restlessness, hatred, anger, sadness (sigh…)
  ④ Possession ? being captured, being possessed by demons
- humans become possessed by demons with their own character still remaining inside them

3. The work of Jesus
  1) First thing He did was to drive out demons. * (Luke 4:33-37)
  2) The power and authority given to His Apostles * (Mark 6:7)
  3) He commanded that we should drive out demons in the Great Commission.
* (Mark 16:17)
  4) If we do not drive out demons, they take us as their dwellings.
  ① We must fight against the demons (when tempted)
  ② And must drive out demons
  - Demons attack us spiritually, mentally and physically in our everyday lives.

  * (Ephesians 6:10-13)