The Bitter Waters of Marah
(Exodus 15:22-26)
Our life, regardless of the degree of difference, is like a path through a desert. Even though we are passing through a desert, God has given us enough power to overcome it in Christ Jesus. Only in Jesus can we have power to overcome easily.
1. The bitter waters of Marah and the piece of wood
2. Life’s bitter waters and the cross
1) God makes bitter water sweet through the five-fold grace
① The waters of sins
② The waters of unrighteousness
③ The waters of diseases
④ The waters of curse and poverty
⑤ The waters of death
2) Holistic salvation of the three-fold gospel
- God made bitter waters sweet, not only from a spiritual point of view
3) We encounter the bitter waters in our daily lives.
① The waters of hatred
② The waters of fear and anxiety
③ The waters of being discouraged and frustrated
- The bitter waters make us in need of the Cross that turns it into sweet waters.

3. The decision to crucify our life on the cross
1) The life of Jesus may also be revealed. * (2 Co 4:10)
- The Cross bears the fruits of forgiveness, the Holy Spirit, health, blessings, and life.
2) We are given over to death for Jesus’ sake. * (2 Co 4:11)
We will always have a pond of bitter water in our lives. This pond could work in our favor or put us at a disadvantage. For those who received the grace of Jesus’ Cross, however, the pond of bitter water is turned into an enormous blessing. For those who act against the grace of Jesus, however, the pond of bitter waters is turned into tremendous misery and pain.