A Blessed Person
(Psalm 1:1-3)
  * (Ge 12:2-3)

* The conditions to be a blessed person
1. Does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
1) Wickedness is not measured by quantity but quality. Those who are wicked are full of wicked behaviors.
  2) The wicked are the atheist or the antitheist who are against God.
  3) Lucifer, the devil, is the source of all wickedness in the Universe.
  - The devil only wants to steal, kill, and destroy.
4) We can get rid of our wicked old selves only when we believe in Jesus and are born-again in Christ.

2. Does not stand in the way of sinners
  1) Sinning is a behavior that stands against God’s laws.
  - The Ten Commandments are God’s index finger that points to sin.
  2) If there were no laws there wouldn’t be any violation of laws, nor the commitment of sins.
3) “The way” refers to behavior ? We can avoid standing in the way of sinners if we do not break God’s laws.
4) When we believe in Jesus and become a new person, then we can get away from the way of sinners.

3. Does not sit in the seat of mockers
  1) The devil tempted human beings based on their pride.
① If you eat of the tree of knowledge your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
  ② Pride took away the Garden of Eden and brought about curses.
  2) The Babel tower as a symbol of pride and God’s judgment.

4. A blessed person
  1) His delight is in the law of the LORD ? God’s words were also called as laws.
  2) On his law he meditates day and night ? The blessed does not stay away from the Bible
  3) A blessed person
① A blessed environment does not come first, but when a blessed person comes to an environment ? it will be blessed.
  ② A tree planted by streams of water and prosperity

We must be a blessed person if we want to see our fate changed. To be a blessed person, we must receive Jesus as our Savior and become children of God. We must become like a tree planted by streams of water in Heaven and gain prosperity.