A Thanksgiving That Pleases God
(Psalm 50:23)?
The happier and merrier life gets, the more we offer thanksgiving. If we carefully look at people’s lives, those who often complain and resent, in daily conversation, lead unhappy lives.
Those living in underdeveloped countries offer less thanksgiving, whereas those living in advanced countries offer more thanksgiving.
God is also much more pleased with those who often pray in gratitude. To those people God says He will help them with His mighty hands. * (Psalm 100:4)
1. Israel’s sins
1) The Israelites resented and rebelled against God and Moses in sight of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey.
2) Because of this, they wandered around the desert for forty years, with complaints and resentment towards God.
3) Negative thoughts, despair, unfaithfulness, and words of lamentation are just like smoke that blocks our view of God.
2. A thanksgiving that brought God’s salvation
  - The war between King Jehoshaphat and the allied forces of Moab and Ammon.
  * (2 Ch 20:1-30)

3. When should we give thanks and praise?
  1) Give thanks not only in good days but also in bad days.
  2) Thanksgiving honors and pleases God.
  3) Thanksgiving debilitates the power of the devil and empowers believers’ prayer.
  4) Thanksgiving is the “switch” that turns on God’s salvation and power.
Even though we are not engaged in farming and reaping a harvest, we bear and eat fruits of various kinds of labor. When we offer thanksgiving for these various kinds of harvests, God is pleased and we also become happy. Only when we give thanks, we come to realize the meaning of life.