Your and My Trash Can
(John 8:1-11)
There is a trash can in my office. Though it is empty in the morning, it is filled with all sorts of stuffs as time goes by. By the time I leave the office for a day, the bin is full of filth such as waste paper, junk mail, disposed documents, leftover fruits, some crumbs of chocolate, and used tissues. I see garbage bins everywhere at home as well. In the bedroom, second bedroom, the living room, office, even at the presidential office. Nowhere is without trash cans, and no one pays much attention to those trash cans. ?
1. The trash can brought by Adam
  1) Adam did not need the trash can of sin in the beginning.
2) Since Adam committed a sin, every one of his descendants has a trash can ? whether it be small or large.
3) People who hide their trash cans and go through other’s trash can are hypocrites and shabby people.
  4) There is none but Jesus Christ who lived without a trash can.
2. A woman who was caught in adultery
1) The so-called righteous who condemned the woman before Jesus ? teachers of the law and Pharisees
  2) A club of the law
  - But it is unfair because a woman alone cannot commit adultery.
3. Jesus’ answer
  1) A man without sin, a man of no trash can, should be the first to stone the woman.
  2) What Jesus wrote with His finger ? everyone felt the sting of conscience.
  3) Where are they? Has no one condemned you?
  ? No one, Sir
  ? Then neither do I condemn you
  ? Leave your life of sin
4. Jesus empties our trash can every day
  1) A trash burner of the Cross at Calvary
  2) Kinds of garbage ? sin, impurity, disease, curse, death, etc.

Rather than criticizing others and their filled trash cans, and showing too much interest in them, we must clean out our garbage and trash cans.
I wish that we see the volume of garbage lessen, as well as the size of a trash can decrease every day with the help from the Holy Spirit; so as to see them reduced to the size of a pencil case or even less when we go to Heaven.
For those who say they have no garbage, they only have one more thing added to their garbage ? hypocrisy.