Take Off Your Old Self
(2Ch 4:10~11)

  Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus (Jn 3:1-15)
We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus

1. Receives forgiveness and righteousness
- A sinner is redeemed by being one with Jesus on the cross, and takes off the old self and receives the gifts of forgiveness and righteousness.
2. Receives the Holy Spirit that purifies
- We died on the cross with Jesus and by believing in Jesus, we took off our old self and received the gift of the Holy Spirit that purifies us.
3. Receives healing and restoration
  - When the sick carry around the death of Jesus, their old self dies with Jesus.
  * (1Pe 2:24, Isa 53:4-5)
- Through the death of Jesus, my old self is dead and buried; and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
4. Receives blessings and riches
  - Cursed and incompetent persons take off their old self through Jesus.
  1) We were cursed since we were in our mother’s womb.
2) We take off our old self that is cursed.
*(2Co 8:9, Gal 5:1)
5. Puts on a new self through the resurrection and eternal life
- A soul bound for hell becomes one with Jesus, and puts on a new self through the resurrection and eternal life. (2Co 15:12-19, 20-22)
To take off our old self and to put on our new self, we must carry around in our body the death of Jesus. When we embrace it in our hearts, and carry it on our back and say “Jesus death, my death; Jesus resurrection, my resurrection”, then God’s power will flow from us.