Seeds Fallen on Four Different Types of Lands
(Luke 8:5-11)
A farmer went out to sow the seeds. The first fell along the path to be eaten up by birds. The second fell on rocky ground, and as soon it grew, it withered away. The third fell among thorns, which grew up with it and chocked the plants. The fourth fell on good soil and yielded a crop.
*?Our hearts are fields upon which we sow seeds.
1. Seeds that fell along the path
  1) A hardened heart through?a worldly life ? does not repent
  2) The devil, the king of the world comes and takes away the Word of God
  - The world that seizes hearts never leaves.
2. Seeds that fell on rock
1) A heart that never wakes up ? A worldly and a devil-like heart that needs to be broken to have seed planted in it.
  2) It does not accept the work of the Holy Spirit, which is the Moisture of Heaven.
3. Seeds that fell among thorns
1) Being fallen among thorns is like being sewn in the field of a heart engraved with sinful desires and greed. These thorns cause us to commit sin and result in our death.
4. Seeds that fell on good soil
  1) A heart strengthened by the Word of God
  2) A heart that embraces dreams created by the Word
  3) A heart that depends on the faith of the Word
  4) Proclaim victory in a positive and active manner
Christianity is not about embracing a religion, nor rituals. It means to embrace the grace of Jesus' redemption by heart, and to be changed into a new creation in this cursed world. Religious faith lives by the word, only, when we embrace joy, wishes, love, righteousness, peace, and pleasure in the heart and become changed.