The Coming of Jesus and His Mission
(Luke 4:16-21)
I recently read an article on a young Christian lady in Pakistan who was arrested and punished for saying in front of Muslims,” Jesus gave up His life in order to save us. What did Muhammad do for us?”
Jesus clearly stated His calling to the public gathered at a synagogue on a Sabbath day, saying that this was accepted by the listener of today.
1. To preach good news to the poor
  1) Adam was not created to be poor ? he was blessed to live in the Garden of Eden.
  ① The land has been cursed because of sin
  ② Both the spirit and the flesh become slaves to death * (Ge 3:17-19)
  2) Redemption through Jesus* (2Co 8:9, 2Co 9:6-10, Gal 3:13-14)
2. To proclaim freedom for the prisoners
1) Born out of sin and become slaves to devils, feeding on the fruits of corruption and unrighteousness.
  2) Jesus redeemed all the sins of humankind by dying on the Cross
  3) We are released from devils and sins through our faith in Jesus
3. To recover the sight of the blind
  1) It is only natural that humans are spiritually blind, because our spirits are dead
  ① Materialist
  ② Humanist
  ③ Do not know Heaven and Hell - Hedonism
  2) Spiritual eyes are opened through rebirth in Jesus
4. To release the oppressed
  1) Taken ill both physically and mentally, because of the devil who oppresses us
① Hatred, anger, envy, jealousy, unrighteousness, ugliness, anxiety, depression, despair
  ② All sorts of physical diseases and illnesses
2) Jesus who set the whole of humankind free from the devil’s oppression * (Isaiah 53:4-5, Acts 10:38)
5. The year of Lord’s favor
  1) Times of innocence ? the Garden of Eden
  2) Times of conscience
  3) Times of law
  4) Times of grace ? time for faith * (Titus 3:5-7)
Jesus completed this mission of saving humankind by dying on the Cross, with His blood shed and His body marred on Mount Calvary. The Bible says in John Chapter 8 verse 32, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” The message of Christmas is a message of truth. On this day, we ought to proclaim freedom and to be free.