A Blessed Person in the New Year
(Psalm 1:1-6)
Korea has become the world’s 11th largest economy. In the coming New Year, we ought to become even more blessed as individuals, as a family, a social organization, a church, and a nation. God tells us about the conditions to become a blessed person.

1. Does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
  1) Satan is the evil one of the Universe
① Lucifer used to be the archangel ? Gabriel was in charge of public relations, Michael was in charge of God’s army, and Lucifer was in charge of politics
  ② Lucifer became depraved, because he tried to be equal to God
  - He was deprived of heaven and now has power over the air
  - Many angels were also depraved and have become evil spirits.
  2) Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan
  - It is an act of evil to rebel against God Who is Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.
  ① Atheist ② Humanist ③ Greedy people

2. Does not stand in the way of sinners
  (Breaking God’s laws)
  1) Sin is breaking God’s laws
  2) The way, life, and acts of sinners (ten commandments)
  ① You shall have no other gods before Me
  ② You shall not make any idols
  ③ You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain
  ④ Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
  ⑤ Honor your father and your mother
  ⑥ You shall not murder
  ⑦ You shall not commit adultery
  ⑧ You shall not steal
  ⑨ You shall not bear false witness
  ⑩ You shall not covet

3. Does not sit in the seat of mockers
  1) Overestimating and boasting about oneself
- Lucifer, the archangel, was depraved because he wanted to exalt himself and tried to become equal to God.
  2) We must become humble and loyal to God’s calling.

4. Something a blessed person must do
1) Take delight is in the law of the LORD ? stay close to God’s words and study and love them
  2) Meditates on His law
① God’s words are His character. Therefore, meditating on the Bible is to meet Him in person
  ② God’s words are food for our spirits

A blessed person is like a tree planted by streams of water, and in whatever they do they prosper.