When He Does Not Doubt in His Heart but Believes, It Will Be Done
(Mark 11:12-14, 20-25)
  The fig tree and Jesus Christ

?1. The power that we possess
??? 1) Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. * (Gen 1:2)
????? ?- When our lives are formless, empty and desperate with darkness filling our heart, the Spirit of God is hovering over the spiritual world.
????? ?- The Holy Spirit came in order to recreate the world as well as the lives of human beings through the creative power of God.
???? ??- He is hovering with the fourth-dimensional power that rules and conquers third-dimensional time, space and materials. (Psalm 104:29-30)
??? 2) And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. * (Gen 1:3)
????? ?- God’s words are His authority that rules the fourth-dimensional spiritual world.
?? ?3) The order of creation
?????? ① The Spirit of God hovered
?????? ② God’s message of power and authority was proclaimed
?????? ③ A creation which looked good.
2. Authority and Power
?? ?1) Authority - exousia (power)? * (Lu 10:17-20) (Ro 13:1)
??? 2) Power - dunamis
?? ?- Church members are given the Word and faith, so that they can delegate God’s power
??? - When we command with the power of the Word and faith, the Spirit of God’s creative power will be revealed. (John 1:12, Luke 16:17-18)
3. How to use the power of faith and the Word
?? ?1) Say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea
????? ?① Have a clear dream in your heart. * (Luke 11:13-14)
?????? ② With power, command the dream to be realized
?????????(A) First, pray with supplication and believe that God will answer your prayer. (John 15:7)
?????????(B) Command boldly. (Matthew 9:6, Luke 1:25, Luke 7:48, John 11:43)
?? ?2) Believe that your prayer is answered and give thanks * (Mark 11:22-23)
??? ???① Write down what’s accomplished on paper and look at it.
?????? ② Continue to command and confess with your lips in a positive manner. (Matthew 16:19)
4. Get rid of the hindrances of faith
?? ?1) Have a heart that forgives others. (Mark 11:25, Eph 4:32)
?? ?2) Ask for God’s forgiveness. (Ne 9:17, 1 John 1:9)
??? ???- Faith begets love, whereas hatred becomes a root for unfaithfulness.

Faith the size of a mustard seed has the power to move a huge mountain; because mountains and seas are three-dimensional, while faith, though it’s as small as a mustard seed, is fourth-dimensional.