Live With a Dream, Hope and Courage
(Hebrews 11:1-6)
If we lose our dreams, hopes and courage, we also lose the drive that keeps us going in our lives.
Great figures made it in history, not because they had more knowledge, money or power than others,
but; because they had clear dreams that others did not have, hopes that stirred their blood and courage
that made them believe they could do anything. ?

1. The love of God will give you a dream
- His love sent His only Son to become an atoning sacrifice on the Mount of Calvary for me who is
big mass of sin.
1) His love never gives up nor abandons to the very end.
2) His love makes the utmost efforts to look after us
3) His love expects us to bear good fruits to the very end
- If we rely on God’s love like this, we can dream about our ideal future
2. The Holy Spirit and hope
1) When the Holy Spirit works, a new life and world begin. * (Gen 1:1-31)
2) The Holy Spirit came to the earth on the day of Pentecost two thousand years ago in order to make
anew our life and the world.
- Where the Holy Spirit resides and works, there churches and church members are
3) It is the Holy Spirit Who gives us new dreams and visions.
- Therefore, we receive hope as individuals and also as a group when the Spirit comes.
3. Faith in God’s word will give you courage
1) We become bold by having faith in the Bible
2) He makes us overcome anxieties and fear in the heart through faith
3) He makes us have new thoughts and dreams and put them into practice through faith
Our hearts are just like a treasury that can store up dreams, hopes and courage, the building materials
for creating a new world. When we have our heart fixed on the Cross at Calvary, we can possess all