Always Positively
(2 Co 4:7-18)
The British psychologist J. Hadfield conducted a study on confidence. The result shows that we can exercise only 30% of our ability when we become despaired, saying to ourselves, “You are doomed. You are finished.” On the contrary, when we have confidence, by saying to ourselves, “You can do that. You are very special,” we can exercise up to 150% of our ability.
The way we see ourselves has a tremendous impact on the ability we actually exercise.
God created us in His own image, giving us enormous potential. Therefore our faith will grow and we will see God’s miracles when we march forth with faith and confess our faith with our lips.
1. The devil that corrupted Adam and Eve
1) Doubts on God’s love
2. Jesus who was crucified
1) Assurance of God’s love
2) Unwavering hope * (2 Co 4:7-18)
3. Always positively
1) Positive in thoughts ? by studying God’s Words
2) Positive in Dreams ? by being filled with the Holy Spirit
3) Positive in faith ? by prayer
4) Positive in words ? Joel Osteen, the author of many books including ‘Your Best Life Now”, said his mother was greatly influential in him staying positive and marching forward in faith.
In his book, he introduces his mother whose leg was shortened after she suffered from polio. But he never heard her complain about her disability, even once. In the meantime, his mother got cancer. Again, she never complained, nor became resentful. Rather, she always talked about hope, saying, “God will cure my disease. I am absolutely positive that there is a reason for God to let me suffer this disease. So I have nothing but to be grateful all the time.” Like this, his mother never complained, nor said anything negative under any circumstances. She always talked about gratitude and hope. Her faith and positive thinking greatly influenced him to make a difference in many people’s lives around the world through his positive and hopeful messages.

Proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Faith is the confession of lips. Therefore, we must proclaim and confess hope for tomorrow as our faith tells us. ?
Dr. Byunguk Lee is a well-known specialist in curing cancer. He helps his patients laugh, smile and think in a positive way by disguising himself as a clown, or wearing wigs and red glasses, or even Rudolph’s red nose. It is because he came to realize “why so many people suffer from cancer.”

According to his foundings, “The letter cancer in Chinese (癌) has three mouths (口), indicating the importance of the mouth. First, we should be careful about what we eat, turning away from too much drinking, eating, and food that are either spicy or salty. Second, we should be careful about what we say. It is the words of resentment, complaints, hatred, and jealousy that create the environment where we become susceptible to developing disease in the heart. Third, we develop cancer when we have no joy in our lives or heart, because we do not live according to the words saying, “Be joyful all the time, pray constantly, and give thanks in all circumstances.” Faith is the confession of lips. Therefore, we must say positive words full of hope at all times, and confess them out loud. Then, our faith will grow and all the disease and curses will leave us as we confess with our lips. ?