His Kingdom and His Righteousness First
(Mt 6:24-34)
The first thing we ought to do to lead a successful life is to distinguish what we should do first, from
what we can do later. If we fail to set our priorities in life, we will suffer from chaos and disorder.
1. Adam, who could not discreet his priorities
1) The fruit from the tree of knowledge symbolizes God’s sovereign rights.
2) He was corrupted and degraded, because he was so proud that he wanted to be equal to God.
2. Jesus, who honored God’s absolute sovereignty
1) Turn the stones into bread.
2) Jump from the tall tower and then you will receive honor.
3) Bow down to the devil and be praised by people around the whole world.
4) Prayer at Gethsemane.
3. Evil deeds of atheist and human-centered person
- Imperialism, communism
1) The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
2) Humanists behave as if they are equal to God, or even higher than God, just the way the devil
4. A righteous life
1) The life that serves the One Who created me and calls me ? is filled with faith, hopes, love,
righteousness, peace, and joy.
2) The truth proven by history.
3) Testimony of Sungchan Choi.?
For us, Heaven lies in worshipping Jesus. The justice of God is to lead a life following the love of
salvation through the Cross of Jesus.
God accomplishes our needs and hopes when we believe in Jesus, set our hopes in Jesus and love
Him dearly by putting Him first in our lives.