God, Who Prepares
(1Co 2:9-10)
We would not be able to cope with difficulties but would simply suffer from them if we were not prepared for tomorrow. Considering the current life expectancy of 100 years, we need to prepare for retirement, so that we do not go through troubles in our old age. This is true for individuals, society, and nations: They all need to prepare for tomorrow. God prepares something beyond our imagination; for those who love Him.
1. God prepared Abraham
  1) Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac.
  2) God prepared a ram ? Yahweh Jireh
2. God prepared Jonah
  1) God prepared a great wind
  2) God prepared a great fish
  3) God prepared a vine, a worm, and an east wind when the sun rose.?
3. God prepared salvation
  1) God prepared the death of Jesus (Isa. 53:4-6)
  2) God prepared the life of Jesus (2 Cor. 4:10)
4. God prepares what no mind has conceived
  1) God’s gracious preparation I would never forget
?- In 1964, I was forfeited my passport at the airport after the Pentecostal World Conference in Rio De Janeiro. Pastor Adams of Sao Paulo and his daughter helped me out in that difficulty.
  2) Believe that God prepares.
  ① Pray for God’s preparation
  ② Wait for the Holy Spirit to guide you
God did not spare His One and Only Son for us. What then would He not prepare for us. Just like parents prepare for their children, God prepares for us.