2011 March 20th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
My Power Is Made Perfect in Weakness
(2 Co 12:1~10)

Last winter was extremely harsh and cold. This will make us feel quite warm this upcoming spring and summer. We can be grateful for tranquility only after suffering through storms. If it is day all the time, we will never be grateful for light nor understand how precious it is. On the other hand, we come to realize how grateful we are to have light after going through the darkness of night. ?

1. To experience God’s grace
1) There must be darkness to prove light. * (2 Co 4:10)
- In order to experience the life of Jesus, we must bear those things that killed Him in our body.
2) Suffering for Christ Jesus * (2 Co 4:11)
- Suffering from death in front of others reveal the life of the resurrected Jesus.
3) If we believers suffer from death and overcome it through the power of Jesus, it is proof of the glorious life for those around us.
4) By experiencing the death of Jesus, which is also my death, and the resurrection of Jesus, which is also my resurrection, we stand before God as a human being united as one with Jesus.
2. To preserve God’s grace
1) The person who has received a special calling from God
① He gives us special grace and gifts so that we can fulfill the calling* (2 Co 12:1-7)
② Because the devil attacks us and causes us to become weak
(1) To make us humble
(2) To cause us to pray
2) To cause us to solely depend upon God whether we live or die
3. To grow in truth
1) The three-fold gospel I realized * (Psalm 3:1-5, 3 John 1:2)
2) The fourth-dimensional spirituality I realized * (Ge 1:2)

* (2 Co 4:16-18)