2011 March 27th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
The Great Discovery
(1 Co 2:6-14)

In a televised press conference held in February 2000, then President, Bill Clinton of the United States made an important announcement. At that time scientists discovered the genetic map of humans. President Clinton said the map found from the genome project was as important a discovery as the discovery of the American Continent by Columbus in 1492.

It is indeed an amazing discovery to read the blueprint of human creation. It allows us to interpret genes inside human cells as well as better understand our genetic makeup. Now human beings are able to prevent and cure fatal diseases and prolong life expectancy. Ten years ago, the whole world was buzzing about this great discovery of a human genetic map.

1. Knowing that God exists, who is the creator of the universe
1) Materialist, communist and atheist are like a mist that block our sights.
2) Most of the so-called “educated” or scientific people are atheist.
3) It is a blessing to meet God in such a way.
2. The grace of knowing that Jesus is the savior
1) Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of
2) The five-fold gospel, the three-fold blessings and becoming a new creation
3. The identity of humans, who are made in God’s image
1) Humans are spiritual beings like God
2) Human beings have creative power and sovereignty resembling God
4. The spirituality of meeting and conversing with God
1) Thoughts
2) Dreams
3) Faith
4) Words

We come to live like God by knowing (knowledge) him, praying, having faith and confessing his Word with our mouths.