2011 April 3rd
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
The Storm and Life
(Mark 4:35-41)

While the disciples were with Jesus, they encountered an enormous storm on the lake of Galilee. Jesus was asleep when the boat was inundated with water, so the disciples quickly woke up Jesus. Then, Jesus rebuked the wind and waves and the storm was completely calm.

1. When we cross the sea of life with Jesus
1) There are wind and waves even when we are with Jesus
- The devil cannot drown Jesus but he can disturb our voyage.
(The legion of demons which are across the sea)
2) We must pray continually
- Just as Jesus woke up as his disciples cried out, through our prayers Jesus destroys the work of the devil.
3) Don’t be afraid. Have faith
2. Why do we have trials even though we believe in Jesus?
1) Even through our Lord may not stop the storm, He will certainly help us overcome it.
* (2 Co 4:7-10)
2) Through trials we can experience the power of Jesus. (How is this possible?)
- A faith that is not just intellectual, but a faith that is alive.
3. Everything obeys the words of Jesus
1) What is seen was not made out of what was visible * (Hebrew 11:3)
2) If you remain in me and my words remain in you
3) If we bind and unbind the things on earth with the rope of God’s words, it will be repeated in heaven as well.
4) Nowadays, He speaks through us.

A religion that is living and not just intellectual, experiences the presence of Jesus by encountering difficulties.