2011 April 10th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
Love and Covering Faith

(Gen 9:18-27)

I have unforgettable memories of love from my childhood. On cold winter days, my grandmother or mother would cover me and my siblings with a blanket over and over again whenever we tossed it off. On summer days, they would also cover our bellies with a thin blanket so that we don’t get sick by exposing our bellies to the outside air.
The Bible says we are to love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. God detests Korea’s contemporary culture which is secular because it loves exposing others sins.

1. Drunken Noah and his three sons
1) Grape juice, which was not fermented before the flood, became fermented after the flood to become wine.
- Without knowing it, Noah drank the grape juice till his heart was content and became drunk.
2) The attitude of Shem, Ham and Japheth
① Ham spoke ill of his father who was drunk and made fun of him to others.
② Shem and Japheth took a garment and walked in backwards and covered their father’s naked body.
3) The awaken Noah and his curses and blessings
① Curses on Ham
② Blessings on Shem
③ Blessings on Japheth
4) Honor your father and mother so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Blessings come from parents.
2. The forgiveness of Jesus
1) A woman caught while committing adultery ? treated miserably by legalists.
2) Jesus and the woman who committed adultery
① Jesus rebuked legalist who condemned her and exposed their hypocrisy.
② Jesus who covers a multitude of sins
3. The father and the brother of the Prodigal Son
1) The prodigal son who repented of his sins and returned home
2) God’s gifts of love and grace
3) His brother, representative of legalism ?denied and condemned his younger brother.

The demand of justice and holiness in the law.
Thank Jesus for carrying all the sufferings on our behalf, fulfilling the law which has turned into love. Faith without forgiveness and love is not true faith.