2011 April 17th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
Weary and Heavy Burdened
(Mt 11:28~30)

When Adam committed sin, God imposed a punishment on him. As a result of this punishment, the ground has been cursed to produce thorns and thistles and Adam was cursed to eat his food by the sweat of his brow until he returned to the ground since from it he was taken. The punishment itself made him weary and heavy-burdened. Because of this punishment, everyone on the earth has to carry weary and heavy burdens more or less.

1. Everyone’s burden
1) The existence of life is a burden.
① Burden of feeling guilty
② Burden of futility and meaninglessness
③ Burden of death and emptiness
2) Burdens that accompany our life
① The cravings of sinful man ? appetite, sexual desire
② The lust of his eyes ? desire of honor
③ The boasting of what he has and does ? wealth and honor, power and authority

2. People who are oppressed by the burden
1) Anxiety and fear that their burdens could lead them to failure
2) Resentment, hatred, frustration, and despair towards circumstances and neighbors
3) The pain of not having happiness, joy, peace, and positive minds
3. The invitation of Jesus
1) Those who realize how incompetent they are
2) Come to me
① Jesus who carried the Cross for us
② Jesus who has all power and authority on earth and in heaven
3) I will give you rest
① Jesus who carries our burdens of life
② Jesus who carries all the thorns and thistles accompanying our lives
③ Jesus who sets us free from the curse of life
④ Pray until you have peace of mind
- If you give everything totally to him, you’ll receive peace.

Those who carry burdens and have their egos broken, becoming humble and obedient, come to follow Jesus. When we are broken, our hearts becomes soft and humble.