2011 April 24th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
Jesus Christ Who Has Been Resurrected
(1 Cor 15:1-11)

The fundamental truth of Christianity lies in Jesus, who was born of a virgin and His resurrection. The Son of God came to earth as a human being in flesh through the virgin Mary and was crucified on the Cross carrying the sins, iniquities, curses, ugliness and death of human kind, and defeated death by being resurrected in three days to become our eternal Savior. Therefore, this blessed news is the truth that we believe in.

1. The evidence of the Resurrection
1) Mary Magdalene and another Mary visited His tomb early in the morning on the first day of Sabbatical.
① Testimony of angels
② Jesus met His disciples on his way to announce the news
③ Jesus met 11 of his disciples in Galilee
2) Jesus met 2 of his disciples while they were on their way to Emmaus
① After returning to Jerusalem, news spread about how Jesus met with 10 of His disciples excluding Thomas
② 8 days later, He appeared before Thomas who had doubts
③ He appeared before 7 of his disciples at Lake Tiberias
④ He appeared before Peter
3) He appeared before 500 brothers at the scene of His ascension
4) He appeared before the apostle Paul
2. The resurrection we experience
- The tomb of Jesus who was the atoning sacrifice for us
1) Today’s resurrection
① From the tomb of sins
② From the tomb of unseemliness
③ From the tomb of diseases
④ From the tomb of curses
⑤ From the tomb of death
2) The devil blocked the tomb of Jesus very tightly.
3) The resurrection of Jesus
① The resurrection of forgiveness and righteousness
② The resurrection of holiness and the presence of the Spirit
③ The resurrection of healing and health
④ The resurrection of blessing
⑤ The resurrection of eternal life and blessings
3. The Gospel of salvation and hope
1) The cross of Jesus is the gospel of salvation.
- As Moses turned the bitter waters in the desert of Shur into drinkable one, the Cross transforms the bitter water of despair in our hearts into sweet ones.
2) The gospel of hope in the Spirit’s coming
① Blessings for the poor
② Freedom for the captive
③ Giving sight to the blind
④ Setting free the oppressed
⑤ The year of the Lord’s favor

The death and the Resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit are the sources of overflowing hope and eternal life and salvation. Just as the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Just as the universe was created and things looked good to God in the beginning, we now come to receive good things and new lives thanks to the message of Jesus’ resurrection and the coming of the Spirit.