2011 May 1st
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
Heaven and Hell
(Luke 16:19-31)

The story about the rich man and Lazarus

1. The rich man and Lazarus
1) Is being rich a sin?
- His way of living was wrong.
Materialist and atheist who indulge in materialistic pleasures only.

2) Do we have to be poor to go to heaven?
- God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob : they were very wealthy but they revered and served God first.
- Even the poor cannot go to heaven unless they believe in Jesus Christ.

2. When humans die, is it the end?
1) The lives of the rich man and Lazarus after death
2) At the mountain of the transfiguration, Jesus met with Moses, who died thousands of years ago, and Elijah who ascended into heaven.
3) Jesus' resurrection and ascension. * (1 Co 15:3-5)

3. The world after death
(Our imagination)
1) Jesus' teaching
① On the cross Jesus taught the robber hung on His right * (Luke 23:43)
② Preparing a place to dwell in heaven * (John 14:1-3)
2) Teachings from the Apostles * (1 Co 15:42-44, 2 Peter 3:13, 2 Co 5:1, Phil 1:23-24)

4. The resurrection of the body
1) At Jesus' second coming, the resurrection of the dead and the transfiguration of the living
* (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, 1 Co 15:42-49)
2) We go to the heaven, not paradise * (1 Co 15:50-58)

In this world, we do not have a place to dwell forever. Our body lives in this world for just a short period of time. Through death, we leave this world, our temporary dwelling. And we also leave behind all wealth, fame, status, and honor. Therefore, we must keep our hearts in heaven and we should not be too obsessed with worldly things.