2011 May 15th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
Put Out into Deep Water for a Catch
(Luke 5:1-11)

Our life, regardless of our profession, is like catching fish. We often rely upon common sense with our shallow knowledge or experiences.
The Lord, however, tells us to transcend our sense, knowledge, or experiences and enter into the depth of the world of faith. But we become hesitant to obey God’s command because the way God wants us to work and think is beyond our common sense or experiences.
Peter’s experience was no different.

1. A different thought
1) In the Sea of Galilee, fish came to the shore at night, therefore at night fishermen put out their nets into shallow waters for a catch.
As the sun rises, fish go back to the deep waters to sleep.
2) Letting down a net into deep waters for a catch after sunrise went against the Galileans’ common sense.
- God’s word often contrasts common sense and reason.
2. A different dream
1) Peter worked hard all night and didn’t catch anything.
① A dream not realized
② A dream which was not expected to be successful
2) Open wide your mouth
- Your tomorrow depends on what you dream today
3. A different faith
1) Faith restricted by others ? followed against one’s will
2) God’s word is God Himself ? It will be done according to God’s word
4. A different confession of faith
1) Peter’s confession that he did not catch anything
2) Jesus said to put down his net into the deep waters for a catch.
3) Words are the holistic revelation of thinking, dreams and faith.
- If our words are negative, everything will be ruined.

Peter lent his boat to Jesus and gained a huge return. That was possible because he had positive thinking, a dream with great expectations, faith that transcended reason, common sense and a bold and positive confession.