2011 May 22nd
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
Why do I believe in Jesus?
(John 3:14 - 21)

Many people keep on living their lives even though they do not believe in Jesus. But how come I cannot live on without Jesus? I cannot live a day without Jesus. I can gain strength and live happily because I believe in Jesus. Let me tell you why.

1. I will know my identity in Jesus
1). Because of Jesus, I come to realize that God exists. (Jn. 1:18, 14:10)
2). Because of Jesus, I come to realize that God loves me. (Jn. 3:16 - 17)
3). Because of Jesus, I come to realize that the purpose of my life is to serve God. (Mk 12:30, Mt 6:33)
4). Because of Jesus, I come to realize that there is heaven. (Jn. 14: 1- 3)
- In Jesus Christ, my identity is revealed.
I realize where I come from, what I am living for, and where I am going.

2. I will have hopes and dreams in Jesus
- Human beings lose the meaning of life without hopes and dreams. (Jer 29:11)
1) Through Jesus’ suffering on the Cross. (Isaiah 53:5)
(1) We take off our old selves and have hopes and dreams. (Eph 4:22 - 24)
(2) We come to have hopes and dreams that make us into a new creation. (2 Co 5:17)
- The holistic salvation of the five fold gospel and three fold blessings (3 Jn 1:2)
2) The Good shepherd and expectations and dreams of my life (Ps 23:1- 6)
(1) He makes me prosper, be in peace, and live with happiness, joy, and comfort. (Num 6:24 - 26)
(2) He reigns over small and large enemies.
(3) With the Lord who is good and patient. (Jn 10:10-11)

3. A high-level life that lives by faith
- The world of faith transcends the physical world which is sensible, reasonable, and experiential. (Heb 11:3, Heb 10:38)
1) See and believe in things that do not exist yet, as if they exist.
(1) We can fight against the devil’s attacks that are sensible and real. (1 Pet 5:8- 9)
(2) Fear is the sowing field of the devil (2 Deut 1:7)
2) Because Jesus is with us, we can live a strong and bold life. (Ps 91: 1-7, 2 Co 4:7-10)
3) With words of faith, we can control our hearts to be filled with victory and peace. (Jn 14:27)

Because Jesus is in my heart, I know why I am living, I have hopes and dreams, and I am able to control my heart to be strong and bold in a creative way.