2011 July 17th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho
In Search of Happiness
(Romans 8:31-32)

Today, a growing number of Korean people seek medical help or even attempt to commit suicide due to depression or manic-depression. Medication might help temporarily but it cannot be a fundamental solution.

1. Humankind was created to be happy.
1) The world God created was quite pleasing to His eyes.
2) God gave human beings this beautiful world to rule and have dominion over.
3) Humankind lost their happiness because the devil tempted Adam and Eve through pride and
greed. They sought to be equal with God and to have the sovereignty of God. After losing
their happiness and realizing they were naked, they tried to cover their shame with clothes
made of fig tree leaves.

- The earth was cursed and started producing thorns and thistles while humans had to toil and
labor to make a living and could not escape death.

2. The unhappiness of Adam
1) Adam blamed Eve in the presence of God and Eve blamed the devil, creating family discord.
2) Killing a family member - Cain killed his brother Abel after having a dispute with him over
faith related issues.
3) Adam's misfortune
① He lost God's love.
② He lost love and harmony in his family.
③ He experienced tough times and sufferings.
④ He experienced sadness caused by death.

3. For happiness
1) Jesus came as the second Adam to redeem humans from despair and give them a new life.
2) For a new life
① Repent of sins and turn back from old ways of living.
② Believe in Jesus' grace.
③ Love God with all your heart.
④ Identify God's love in Christ Jesus.
3) It makes us happy when we love and are loved in return.
① Matters related to food, housing, and clothing are secondary to happiness.
② True happiness lies in love.
4) Depression or manic-depression will go away once we experience God's love in Christ Jesus,
and when we love God. Also, loving your neighbor and being loved by them will make you
happy and joyful.

Love between spouses, and parents and children is the foundation for happiness in the family. Genuine love towards God sets the basis for love in the family.