2011 July 24th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ? Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Yonggi Cho

Another Counselor, the Holy Spirit
(John 14:16-18)

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another counselor to help you and be with you forever the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”

We all know that Jesus saved, helped and gave hope to human beings. Then, who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity.

1. The Holy Spirit who appears in the New Testament
1) Another Counselor sent by the Father
①. God Almighty, equal with the Father & Son ? Alos(?λλο?) and Heteros(?τερο?)
②. Counselor - Paracletos
2) God with personality
①. God who has an intellect, feelings and a will.
②. Metaphors used in the Bible to describe His personality.
③. Since He has personality, we should not rebel against nor quench Him.
Also, we should not make him sad nor blaspheme against Him.
2. The work of the Holy Spirit
1) He causes us to repent of our sins.
2) He testifies of Jesus.
3) He helps us realize what is prepared for us through God’s grace.
4) He gives us power.
①. The Spirit’s gifts ? 9 kinds of gifts
②. The Spirit’s fruits ? 9 kinds of fruits
3. Experiencing the Holy Spirit
1) Experiencing Him as the Spirit of salvation * (John 3:1-8)
- The dialogue between Jesus and Nicodemus
2) The fullness of the Holy Spirit or the experience of baptism.
①. Evidence of speaking in other tongues
②. Rest and freshness * (Isaiah 28:11-12)
3) The Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

We may classify human history as follows. 4,000 years under the Old Testament was the age of the Father whereas the 33 years in the New Testament was the age of the Son of God. The age of the church is the age of the Holy Spirit. We are now living in times when the Holy Spirit is at the forefront while God the Father and Jesus are working behind the scenes. Therefore, having a good relationship with the Spirit and communicating with Him is a necessity in our lives.