The Cross and Human Relationships
(Luke 18:9-14)

In this world, there are endless conflicts and confrontations. Adam and Eve experienced conflict after they neglected their responsibilities in the Garden of Eden. The confrontation between Cain and Abel ended in Cain killing Abel. Human beings cannot live in a world where there are not conflicts or confrontations. Therefore, we should find ways to overcome conflicts and confrontations and walk in forgiveness and love. The only way to do so is through the grace of the cross of Jesus Christ.

1. A heart weighed down by hatred and grudges
1) We see everything through the tinted glasses of hatred and grudges.
-Thoughts and words which are negative, critical, and full of hostility.
2) A heart of understanding, sympathy, and love
-It is only possible when we are changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, carrying
the Cross of Jesus Christ in our hearts. * (Gal 2:20)
① We should long for change.
② We should repent of our selfish way of living.
③ We should believe in and seek out the grace of God which changes us.
2. Insisting on self-justification
1) If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her - Jesus did
not condemn.
2) A Pharisee and a tax collector * (Luke 18:9-14)
3. Those whose priority is the Law
1) They are under the curse. * (Gal 3:10)
2) They should know that the same condemnation and judgment will be applied to them.
4. Rejecting positive and constructive advice
1) They hate and reject positive and constructive advice.
2) They just listen to flatterers.

There is no other way to turn the bitter waters of hatred, grudges, and confrontation into sweet waters except through Jesus Christ. Only Jesus accomplished the work of salvation by reconciling man to God and provided the remedy for misunderstandings, hatred, and anger in human relationships by carrying the Cross. Carrying the Cross of Jesus is the only way to begin a new life.